B and I got to take a little trip to Omaha with J's family. D had to stay home to work. He really would have liked to come, but was so busy at work he didn't think he could get away for that long. We definitely missed him. B and I ended up leaving early on Monday due to the weather that was coming Monday night and Tuesday. It was nice to have a day at my parents' house before we headed down to Omaha.
The main highlight of the trip was the zoo. The weather was still a bit cold because of the bad weather that we had early in the week, however, most of the exhibits were inside so we didn't freeze. We all would have liked to go some place warm, but we still really enjoyed our time. If the entire zoo had been open we would have taken several days to see everything.

B with her uncle and aunt in the desert exhibit. One of our favorites because it had a lot to see and we all enjoy Arizona.

B and I in the giraffe exhibit. B was excited to see them. She had been asking to see them as soon as she found out we were going to the zoo.

The rain forest exhibit was another of our favorites. It was warm, but very humid. There were a lot of monkeys and colorful birds.

B needed some help seeing some of the animals, so everyone lent a hand in picking her up to get a better view.

My family also really likes cats, no matter what the size. We saw this tiger from outside and when we went inside it stood up against the glass several times. This time it stood up right in front of B, which then made her put her arms around uncle N and cling to him for a while. It was funny to see how nervous it made her.

B also had a ton of fun at the hotel swimming pool. I think she jumped in for aunt D to catch her about 100 times (I'm not exaggerating). The water was not all that warm and B came out shivering, but would have continued playing it in anyway.

We also went for a walk along the river before we left. They have a nice foot bridge (which you can see in the background) that crosses into Iowa. Of course, we had to cross.