Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Small Christmas at Home

After we arrived home from Christmas with my parents, we gave the girls their gifts from us.  We usually only do one gift to each of them since they get so many gifts from everyone else.


Bentley opening her gift while Bria waits for her turn.


Bria taking her turn.  I think she was just putting on a show for the camera.


Bentley sucking from the straw of her new cup even though it is empty.


Our family celebrated Christmas with J’s parents.  Mom’s house always feels Christmasy with all her snowmen throughout the entire house.  We actually sent the girls with my parents the Monday (after our church’s Christmas program) before Christmas so we could have a little time to ourselves.  Because of all the projects we had to work on, we didn’t get much time to relax.


Bentley enjoying one of the sugar cookies aunt D made and Bria helped frost.


Bentley trying to sneak up on one of the cats.  This is the mean cat that only likes my dad and brother.  The cat was ready to strike with Bentley being this close, but Bentley was oblivious.


Bentley among the stacks of presents at my parents’ house on Christmas morning.  It was a bit of a maze that she could have gotten lost in.


Here are all of the presents after they were distributed to everyone they belonged to.  The picture doesn’t come close to doing the piles justice.


Bentley giving grandma a hug.  That girl really loves both of her grandmas.  She didn’t want to let go of grandma.  Grandma loved every minute of it.

We didn’t get as many pictures of Bria this year because she always seemed to be running around.  Both girls really loved their gifts.  Of course, all of Bentley’s gifts also are Bria’s, according to Bria.

From Decorating Until Christmas

Here is a quick synopsis of what went on for the rest of the month of December: several work Christmas parties, bible studies,  bible study Christmas parties, Christmas program practices and the actual program, company visiting, caroling, a church Christmas party, a Men’s football night at our house, Christmas shopping (which ended up being mostly online), and I could go on.  Every day was busy with some type of activity.  There are only three days on our calendar that didn’t have something going on, but I think even a few of those ended up with another event.

It is fun to get together with people during this time of year, but sometimes all of the preparations can be a bit overwhelming.  We felt like the season went way to fast.  It is nice to just be able to sit and enjoy a lit Christmas tree from your couch, but we didn’t get much of that.  The lack of snow made it hard to believe it was actually Christmas.


Here is Bria out in the little bit of snow we did have.

Christmas Decorating

As you may have guessed, we actually decorated for Christmas quite a while back (around Thanksgiving).  By the time I actually had time to sit down and update the blog, our computer crashed.  Now it is time to catch up.


Our stockings, hung down the stairway, since the fireplace is in our bedroom.


Our Christmas tree with all of the ornaments.  We had to move the computer desk to a different part of the room in order to fit the tree.

I always love decorating for Christmas.  It makes the long dark days of winter a lot brighter.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


I only have a few moments to post this, so it is going to be mostly pictures. We had great Thanksgiving weekend at D's parents house. Playing with the cousins, having adult conversations, and the fellowship are wonderful blessings.

The kids were fascinated with uncle J's new iPad. The adults had plenty of fun with it too.

Bria and cousin C being bridges over two train tracks.

The kitties provided great amusement for the littlest kids. Bentley even says "meow" now.

Bentley and cousin L playing together, as much as two one-year olds can.

The kids need my attention, so I guess I am out of time.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Other Weekend Fun

The girls enjoyed having grandpa and grandma here to play with for four days. It was a little difficult for them to have their bedroom and play room in the basement torn apart for that long. Some days it was hard to keep them entertained. Here are some of the non-painting moments I actually took pictures of.

Rolling around on the air mattress that D and I had slept on the night before (to avoid paint fumes). They had a good time jumping and walking on it.

We went out for pizza one night and Bentley wanted her shoes on. Bria offered to help, so Bentley sat right down and let her.

Bentley was resting on grandma. Nap times did not work out very well since we were painting the girls' room, so Bentley was quite tired the whole weekend. Bria dressed herself and insisted that pink and red go together.

Bentley found dad's hat and had to try it on. Too cute!

Weekend Painting Projects

This last weekend we had a long weekend. D had a couple of days off at the end of last week, so we decided to tackle several painting projects. We painted the girls' room and all the livable rooms in the basement. I was sick for several of the days, and wasn't able to help as much as I would have liked. D's parents were here, however, and so we were able to get everything accomplished that we had set out to do.

One of the bedrooms in the basement before it was painted. The other bedroom is very similar, it only had a different color of paint. We didn't actually mind the colors, but they were so banged up they needed some help.

The same bedroom after it was painted and had the furniture back in it. Right now the basement is all the same color. Eventually we may paint a wall in each of the bedrooms to dress it up a bit.

The girls' bedroom before. The picture is a bit dark, but the room was painted gray and dark blue with a horse border that was partially torn off.

Now their room is pink and purple (just a little bit girly). On this wall we did pink stripes on the top portion. They are very subtle because the pinks are the same color, we just used a different gloss in the paint. We also replaced the horrible light fixture and hung some of the girls' wall hangings.

Over by Bria's bed we hung the letters we had painted for her when she was born.

Both girls seem to be enjoying their newly painted room. And I am very happy with how everything turned out. It is nice to walk into a room that has nice, fresh paint.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Chopped Off

On our way home from the wedding this last weekend we stopped to get groceries and some other things, and I decided to get Bria's hair cut. She whined every time I tried to brush her hair. It was also looking very scraggly. Her long hair was all curled for the wedding and looked really cute, but I can't do that with her hair all the time. I thought I would see how a much shorter hair cut would go. We cut of 7-8 inches. It makes Bria look more grown up, but I can already tell it is a lot easier to manage. She is adorable either way.

Her hair is now just below her shoulders. Before it was just above the top of her pants. Bria is excited to have shorter hair.

Wedding Activities

This last weekend we spent in the TC's celebrating J's sister's marriage. We are very happy that she found someone who loves her so much. There were a lot of activities, with rehearsal on Thursday; bridesmaids breakfast, pictures, wedding, reception, and dance on Friday; then brunch and gift opening on Saturday. The girls cooperated way better than we were expecting. Bentley didn't take many naps at all, and didn't get enough sleep any of the nights. She was still quite the trooper, however, and didn't get crabby about much. Bria also did very well. She obeyed and was where she needed to be when she needed to be. D's parents were around to help take the girls back to his sister's or our hotel when it got too late. By Friday night Bria was begging to go to bed because she was so exhausted. She didn't even want to stay and dance, which she absolutely loves.

The bride (J's sister) at our Friday morning breakfast.

One special Daddy and his daughter.

J with her sisters.

Instead of a traditional guest book the bride and groom decided to have people sign something they would use every day. All the guests signed a cookbook. I thought that was a wonderful idea. It was fun to leave a little message to them on a recipe.

The little girls were all entertained by all the tissue paper and bows during the gift opening.

The food during the weekend was so good. The reception was catered by the company that T and her new husband work for, and everything we had was excellent. I know that over the course of the weekend we all ate way more than we should have.

Now we are back home to our regular routine.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Girls

Here are pictures of the girls that are more recent.

Bentley loves to pretend to talk on the phone. Here she has two toy cell phones that she is using at the same time. She likes to hold the phone up to her ear (more like neck and shoulder) and say "hi".

Coming to get the camera after I took a couple of pictures.

Bentley has really become quite the Mommy's girl. If I am visible or she knows I am in another room, she only wants me. She does just fine with other people if I am not available.

We have to snap a couple of quick pictures of Bria before church. She lets us pick the clothes and she hasn't had enough time to play to make her hair a mess. As a four year old she wants to pick out her own clothes every day; she ends up with some very interesting outfits.
This outfit is from her birthday. She also loves her cowboy boots.


We have been busy, but there should have been time for me to update the blog. I'm just not sure where that time went. I guess it just wasn't a priority. This post will just be highlights from the last month.

The beginning of October started with opening weekend for antelope hunting. Our friends from Wtown were not able to make it, so D went with a friend from here. They both shot their antelope within about 30 minutes of being out. The rest of the day, D spent butchering the meat. Since our company couldn't make it out, we invited some other friends over for supper and to enjoy the fire pit one evening.

The next weekend, we had five other friends from Wtown come out to go antelope hunting. They spent all of Saturday and some of Sunday hunting. They were amazed by the wide-open space we have here. You can see for many, many miles. Their hunting was successful, and they took home seven antelope.

That Sunday, while D was still hunting with all the guys, the girls and I went to my parents' for a quick trip. We stayed over night and headed back home Monday after lunch (the trip was about 24 hours). The girls had a great time with Grandpa, Grandma, and Uncle N.

Bria helping Grandma water and "pick" the flowers.

Bria and Bentley playing with the Mr./Mrs. Potato Head parts. Instead of putting them on the potato, they put them on themselves.

Bedtime Bible reading with Grandpa and Uncle N.

The following weekend (one week ago) D's oldest sister and her family came to visit. Before they came, we had to run get groceries and do a couple of other errands. D's family arrived late Saturday morning. The men and some of the boys were able to do some hunting. It was the opening day of pheasant season, and antelope season was still open. D shot one more antelope and two pheasants. After all the hunting, playing, walking through town for a bit of a tour, we went to a wild game feed. We ate some interesting, but tasty, food. After the kids were all in bed, D skinned and butchered the antelope meat. Sunday afternoon was spent driving through the country side, enjoying some football, and the kids playing in the yard.

Bentley on Cousin J's lap during some of the football game. J was sitting on the floor, and Bentley just decided to go sit on his lap. She would get up sometimes, but she would continue to go back to his lap.

Bria and Cousin T were playing in the dirt in the backyard.

Cousin I taking a break from the playing and sitting on his Dad's lap.

This weekend will be a little slower paced. We enjoyed a nice meal at some friends' house last night, and they will come join us for the Vikings vs. Packers game tomorrow night.

This has to be one of the busiest months we have ever had, and we haven't even gotten to the end of it. The last weekend will be the most eventful as J's sister is getting married. We are excited for them, and look forward to celebrating with them.

Sunday, September 19, 2010


This is our adorable one year old. I think this time we actually got some pretty good pictures. Hopefully, Bentley is learning to cooperate a little more with the camera.

A Week of Activity - Parties, Parade, Etc.

This last week started off with lots of excitement and ended with a little bit of fun.

Last Sunday we celebrated both the girls' birthdays with all the grandparents and uncle N. We were excited to have them here, even though a few of us weren't feeling the best. Both the girls had a great time playing, opening their gifts, and getting all of that attention. While the grandparents were here to help entertain the girls D and I were also able to get some projects done: yard work, canning tomatoes, making birthday cakes.

Grandpa S played bears with Bria for a while.

Bentley eating her cake for her first birthday. She enjoyed this better than the cupcake she tried the week before. It was only because the frosting didn't make such a mess of her fingers. Bentley really doesn't like having messy fingers.

Bria couldn't quiet blow out all her candles in one try. I think I put them too far apart. She didn't mind having to do it twice.

Grandpa helped Bentley open her gifts. She lost interest pretty quick, but came back to it after a while. Of course, she enjoyed playing with the boxes and the paper after the gifts had been opened.

The tradition for the grandkids to get a John Deere tractor on their first birthday as continued through all 7 grandchildren. Bentley really loves her tractor. We keep it in the garage and every time we go out there she points to it and gets all excited. She know it moves, so even if we just set her on it that isn't enough. She wants to actually take a ride.

After the parties were all done and everyone had gone home, we had to finish up some work on the yard. While D was working, the girls rode their tractors. Bria has finally gotten the pedaling down along with the steering. Bentley's is electric and she can't reach the pedal, but I was able to make it go for her. She loved it! Bria also took a turn riding Bentley's tractor, but kept running me over. The electric tractor has a lot of power and goes faster than Bria could control in the short space she was trying to drive it.

After a couple of nights of yard work, another evening was spent building D's office's float for the homecoming parade. The parade was on Friday as well as the homecoming football game.

The float from D's office. They did a great job.

The girls were waiting for the parade to start. It was a little chilly, but it has been a lot colder since then. The parade was fun, and Bentley absolutely loved the horses.

After the parade we quickly ran some errands in Pierre, then got back into town in time for D to go to the game. The girls were tired out and it was cold and windy, so we stayed home. All the activity on Friday caused Bentley's cold to worsen yet again. We have just taken it easy the rest of the weekend to help her get this cleared up.