Tuesday, March 1, 2011


This last weekend we had more snow.  It has really piled up these last couple of storms.  We have enough snow that one of our friends (also D’s coworker) decided to get their snowmobile out.  They gave us a call on Saturday, when it was still freezing, and said he wanted us to join them for some fun in the snow.  We all took turns riding on the snowmobiles or being pulled on the sled.  The girls had a good time riding the sled behind the snowmobile until Bentley got too much snow in her face. 


D taking the snowmobile out for a test drive.


D and Bria riding on the sled behind the snowmobile, which is out of camera sight, and D’s coworker holding Bentley.

Because the temperature was so cold the girls only lasted about 45 minutes.  When we left to head back home Bentley was crying because her fingers were extremely cold and stiff.  It didn’t help that it was nap time.  Even though the girls had two pairs of gloves, warm socks, and boots, they both ended up with cold fingers and toes.

We all had a lot of fun.  It amazes me how many people around here invite us to do all kinds of things we hadn’t done before.  Different people have different toys and somehow we get to enjoy all of them.