The last week and a half have been full of (you guessed it) construction. Our first project was at our local park. Our city is putting in a fishing pier at the dam, and a group we belong to paid for and did the work to put in the cement it will be attached to. We started this project last Friday when the wind was starting to come up. David happened to be gone helping a friend in SF with a different construction project. The girls and I, and a couple of other women worked with one of the city employees to build the frame. On Tuesday of this week, we were able to finish the forms the dirt work, and lay the rebar. The cement was poured on Wednesday.

David is at the way bottom of the picture. One of our church members is running the packer. Unfortunately, I didn’t get any other pictures with my own camera or cell phone.
As I mentioned above, David was doing a different project the day we started the concrete project at the park. One of his college friends wanted to start framing his basement to finish it, so David headed to SF to help out. They work well together and have a great time catching up with each other. It also gives them some good guy time.
The next construction project was actually next door to us, at our church. Our church has been needing a new parking lot for a long time, and several weeks ago we had a day of sacrificial giving and raised enough money (along with what we had been saving) to redo the main parking lot and pave the parking lot on the alley side of the church. Last Friday, the church board and the city came and tore up all the old pavement. The girls had a great time watching everything from our living room window. Monday, the construction crew came and started the dirt work, and by Thursday, all the concrete was poured. On Friday, the whole project was finished, and today everyone could park on it. It looks really nice and gives the girls a great place to learn to ride bikes, or to ride their John Deere tractors!
Just as the project next door was getting wrapped up we started our next project—shingling the roof. We had a couple of spots that were leaking (or pouring in, depending on the wind), and the wood shingles had started peeling up with the high winds we’ve been having. David and one of our other friends was helped by a friend from town who does construction and has all the equipment (telehandler). The roof of the house is broken up into four sections, and the men were able to get three of them done in the two days they worked on it. Our garage is the only section that we haven’t tackled yet. We have to lift up and support the extended trusses at the back of the garage. The plan is to complete that tomorrow, especially with the forecast of rain. Once that is complete, they can do the shingles.

David and John on the roof.

The telehandler, which was a great asset.
The weather cooperated as much as we could expect it to. The wind wasn’t too bad, it was warm, and we didn’t have any rain.