We had some projects we wanted to get accomplished on the house before it got too cold outside, but we weren’t sure we would get them all done. David’s parents came out to help for a whole week, and we got a lot more done than we expected. What a blessing they were.
Projects (the first P):
Our first project was getting the window in the main floor bathroom replaced (I think it was as old as the house). It didn’t open like it should, it had a storm window on that didn’t fit the opening, the wood around the window looked gross, and I couldn’t clean it. David and his dad tackled that project right away. It looks a hundred times better.

This is the after picture; the before picture doesn’t show how bad the window really was so I didn’t include it. We still have to finish some layers of mudding and sanding around the window. After that is done I will paint the whole bathroom.
The second project was replacing the front door. Last winter we realized that every Northwesterly breeze made our living room very cold. As David took apart the door a couple of days ago it was obvious why: there was no insulations around the frame of the door. We also needed to move the threshold of the door up and add a screen door.

David and his dad working on the door, which is not as easy as replacing a window.

The new door! We still need to paint it and put the screen door on. It is a great improvement, especially with the bigger windows that have blinds in them.
Painting (the second P):
Every room in our house needed to be painted when we moved in because most rooms did not have enough coats of paint to cover the walls well. We have gradually gotten some of the rooms done, so it was time to do the master bedroom and bathroom. David, his parents, and I all worked on the bedroom for several days over the weekend. When David went back to work, his mom and I tackled the bathroom (we still have the wall with the new window to do because the window is not completely finished off).

There are still a couple of things that need to be changed in our bedroom (broken blinds and the curtains), but I absolutely love it now. It was always nice, but the colors are much softer and it feels cozier.
Potty Training (the third P):
Bentley decided that she wanted to start going potty on the toilet. That is great! The timing, however, not so much. It is hard to stop in the middle of painting to take her to the bathroom. Also, she only wants to sit on it every once in a while. At least she knows what she needs to do to go, but she is not to the point that she can tell us before she has to go. I know that this will be a process, but I hope it is not a long one.
We have decided that after all of the projects we have done since it warmed up outside, that we definitely need a break. We have to finish up the inside portions of the window and door projects. But, there will be no more major house projects for a long, long time.