Monday, February 25, 2013

It’s Out

After weeks of only letting David and I wiggle her tooth for a tiny amount of time each night, Bria’s tooth finally came out.  We had to numb the area with some Orajel before David was able to push it far enough forward to get it out.  The tooth was barely hanging on, but that last little connection was too much for Bria to handle.


A girl who is very excited for the Mommy Tooth Fairy to visit tonight.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Looth Tooth

Bria has her first loose tooth. 

It started out a few weeks ago when she mentioned that her bottom front tooth area was sore.  She mentioned it for several days in a row, and when David checked it he could tell it was slightly loose.  We told Bria to wiggle it everyday.  She thought it hurt to much to wiggle it, so she hasn’t been.  About a week after she first mentioned the pain she said that it felt like there was a hole in her gums.  I took a look, and sure enough, her permanent tooth was coming in behind her baby tooth. 

We weren’t really sure what we needed to do or if we needed take her to the dentist.  Luckily, one of Bria’s cousins had this same situation at Thanksgiving.  David talked to his sister to see what they did.  She told us that the baby tooth fell out within a couple of days and the permanent tooth moved forward into the correct position.  We were relieved. 

We haven’t bothered to much with Bria’s tooth, until this last weekend when she again said it was bothering her.  We reminded her that she just needed to keep wiggling the baby tooth.  The baby tooth is much looser now, but it just doesn’t want to fall out.  She is so excited to loose it, and really wants to loose it while she is at school because they get a special necklace.  Hopefully, she will lose it in the next couple of days.

Yes Mommy, I Will.

While we were at my family’s house over Christmas Bria said to me, “Mommy, I will do everything you tell me.  I will obey you all the time, while we are at grandma’s house.”

I asked her why she was only going to obey at grandma’s house and not once we got home.  She just shrugged her shoulders, knowing that she wouldn’t be able to keep that promise.  In all reality I didn’t actually expect it to even last through Christmas.  We have been pleasantly surprised, however.  Both girls have been quite cooperatively saying, “Yes Mommy, I will,” almost consistently since Christmas.  We did have a period of time while they were both sick and for a while after where they were quite as cooperative.  Upon reminding them how nice it was when they were obedient, along with reminding them of God’s commands to obey their parents, they have once again started replying with “Yes Mommy, I will.”

Ahhh! (pleasant sigh)  What a great reward for continually teaching our children according to the directions of God’s Word.  How important it is to hold firm to our beliefs!