A couple of days before the Easter weekend, the weather started to get really nice here. We traveled to north central MN for the weekend, where the weather was still nice, but not quite as nice as it was at home. Even though the weather was a bit cool, we really enjoyed getting together with David’s family.
Seeing his sister’s family’s new (7 months ago) house was great, and we had tons of space for everyone. Although, our brother-in-law who had to work via his computer and the wireless router, may not agree! The kids had their own space in the huge basement, and the adults had their's in the comfortable upstairs.
Activities for the weekend included playing in the snow, playing cops & robbers (or something similar), pretending to hunt, celebrating recent and upcoming birthdays, dying eggs, Easter egg hunts, good food, card games, and on and on.

All the cousins dyed eggs together. The youngest even had to try tasting the dye since it was in a mug. He insisted, and since it is nontoxic, we let him give it a try. Since he fought so hard to get a drink, he had to take two before he decided vinegar didn’t taste that great.
The dresses grandma made and gave to the girls for Christmas worked great as Easter dresses. Actually, I am not a big fan of getting the girls new dresses just for Easter. Easter dresses usually are not warm enough for the still chilly spring.
The kids weren’t sure which camera they were actually supposed to look at.
This is what it looks like when the Easter bunny throws-up. The picture doesn’t look nearly as sugar-loaded as it actually was.
Now back to what I had intended with the title (I decided to fit two posts into one, since they were somewhat related).
When we came back home, there was what seemed to be a slightly green hint to the grass than when we had left. I thought my eyes were just used to seeing the snowy or brown grass of the areas we traveled through and that our grass just looked greener because of it. As the next couple of days passed, we could tell that the grass was actually getting greener every day. Yeah! Not only is the grass greening up, but my daffodils, tulips, and some of the summer flowers are coming up as well.
Last year, we were spoiled with the very nice Spring weather. That made it really hard for me to wait for Spring this year.
From March 17, 2012
From April 1, 2012
I just hope that this cooler Spring means that we won’t get as dry as we did last summer. We still need tons of moisture (not all at once) to recover from last summer.