We had a great day at the lake yesterday. Some of our friends had a boat, so we went skiing and tubing. It was a beautiful day for it, and we had a lot of fun with our friends who we don't get to see all that often (due to job schedules). B came along and loved it too.

Daddy was helping B out of the boat while we made a quick stop back at the dock. She had been wanting to jump out of the boat and into the water every time we slowed down to pick up or switch skiers.

B is having a really good time. When we would stop or go to slow she would ask for more. The faster we went the more she loved it.

What day at the lake would be complete without throwing rocks into the water. K joined B in this adventure.

When throwing rocks it is always important to watch out for the people around you. Not an easy concept for kids this age.
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