We had a great, long Memorial Day Weekend with D's sister and her family in the TC. B especially loves to play with her cousin C. She doesn't have any friends her age here, so getting to play with her similar aged cousins is always fun. D helped uncle J with some projects, and the weather was perfect for being outside all weekend.

The kids help put up the playset. They couldn't wait for it to be done because they just wanted to play on it, so they thought they would "speed-up" the process.

Putting up the beam that held the swings.

It was finally done and the kids could enjoy the swings and the slides. They both got a lot of use over the rest of the weekend.

The sandbox was also fun. There was some fresh dirt from the playset construction that the kids eventually found. They were quite dirty at the end of the day.

After all the construction, playing outside, and the quick baths, we decided to head to a St. Paul Saints game. D trying to get the carseats arranged in the SUV with the help of the kids.

At the baseball game. We were looking into the sun, which made it hard to see, but the kids kept us busy anyway. It got late and had a been a long day, so we headed home before the end of the game. It was still 10pm or a little after when the kids finally got into bed.

J's sister and her boyfriend joined us one day. We played all kinds of outside games, T-ball, ladder golf, crochet, and more.

B trying to pitch the ball to aunt T.

At bedtime the kids got a story and they both had to sit right up next to uncle J to see the pictures. It was great to watch them get so involved with the story.

Cousin C had a fun firefighter costume that B really wanted to dress-up in. Daddy helped her put out the fire.
There was lots of other fun too, but I had to edit the amount of pictures.
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