7 lbs. 15 oz.
21 inches

After a long, sporadic labor Bentley finally decided, with the aid of medicine, to make her appearance. She is healthy and we are very thankful for that, especially after the slight complication we had before being discharged Thursday morning. Her doctor found an abnormality during her final check that required us to see a specialist in SF before we could come home. It turned out to be nothing, and we were able to make it home late last night.

Bria loving on her new sister. Even though Bria loves to show Bentley lots of love there is plenty of jealousy as well. The first day Bria was very good at calling her baby sister by her name, but has now decided she wants to call her "baby sister" and not her name.

Bentley has a lot of thick, dark hair. We hope that she keeps most of it. It is a bit spiky like Daddy's hair.
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