Somehow, I didn't get around to posting Bentley's ten or eleven month pictures. Even though these are late, I thought I would post them.
Ten Months

Eleven Months

It is getting harder and harder to get a picture of Bentley looking at the camera. As soon as I set her down where I want her, she is turning around to touch or climb on whatever is behind her. Even when Bria is standing beside me acting crazy, Bentley hardly takes notice. Bentley was never very cooperative to begin with, but being mobile has made it more difficult. She is, however, learning a lot with all of her exploring. She is also trying to say a few more words, and points at objects (which helps us determine what word she is saying). I think we are going to end up with two very talkative girls!
Ten Months
Eleven Months
It is getting harder and harder to get a picture of Bentley looking at the camera. As soon as I set her down where I want her, she is turning around to touch or climb on whatever is behind her. Even when Bria is standing beside me acting crazy, Bentley hardly takes notice. Bentley was never very cooperative to begin with, but being mobile has made it more difficult. She is, however, learning a lot with all of her exploring. She is also trying to say a few more words, and points at objects (which helps us determine what word she is saying). I think we are going to end up with two very talkative girls!
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