On Monday, Bentley was 6 months old. I did my best to take a some pictures, but the lighting was horrible because it was raining outside and our house is just dark. In my attempt to get the best possible pictures I kept adjusting the settings on the camera. The result was over 430 pictures. Thank goodness for digital cameras. Here are a few of them.
Bentley is fascinated by her tongue. Seeing her with her tongue out, or sucking on it, or "chewing" on it is pretty normal.
Height - 26 inches
Weight - 15 pounds 3 ounces
I don't know what percentiles those are because the clinic here doesn't keep track.
On the solid food front: we have made some progress. She still doesn't open her mouth wide to eat, and the food is quite runny, but she gets most if it down at least at lunch and dinner. Breakfast is a little more difficult. Each day she seems to do a little better. However, it feels like she is still nursing about every 1 1/2 hours. Hopefully, as she gets better with the solids she won't need to eat from me as often. Then again, maybe this is just a growth spurt!
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