Last week our pickup was involved in a minor accident. We weren't in it. It was parked across the street (at an angle to the curb where there is parking for the preschool). Someone was leaving the clinic (that is next door to our house). They punched it while backing up and didn't turn into the driving lane at all. They ended up backing all the way across the street and slamming into our pickup. I could hear it from inside the house and knew before I saw it what the noise was. The pickup was hit so hard that it popped the curb, went over the sidewalk, and onto the grass. We filed a report with the Sheriff, but the person who hit us doesn't have insurance. Our insurance will cover the damage, and the Sheriff filed a suit against the person that caused the accident. It looks like everything will be taken care of. I am just glad that it was parked, and only the bumper area was damaged.
D was at work when this occurred, so I had to give the report and take care of a lot of the things myself. Both girls had to stay in the house while I went out (it was windy and cold). It was right at lunch so Bentley was hungry and crabby, and Bria was just concerned and upset about the pickup. Bria was very good to try and entertain Bentley while I was outside. In our little world, that makes for an eventful day!
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