Wednesday, January 21, 2009


For those of you who don't know, we are moving again. D's training for his new job is complete, and we have been assigned a new location. We had been hoping for the location that would allow us to stay where we are, but God had (and continues to have) a different plan for us. Needless to say it has been very stressful. We have put our house on the market and taken a house hunting trip in the last two weeks. D has also already started at the new location. B and I will be joining him in a couple of weeks. Unfortunately, most of our stuff will not be coming with us, at least not for a while. Even when the movers can finally come in and move us a lot will have to go into storage. Also, our cat can't come with us, as the owners of the trailer we will be renting will not allow pets. (If you want a house trained 8-9 year old cat who is good with kids and has been fixed, please let us know.)

A couple of pieces of good news (not that D's job isn't good news) have also come about this month. We found out that B will be a big sister about the beginning of September. We already have a purchase agreement signed on our house (it was only on the market 4 days when the offer was made :)). The agreement, however, is contingent upon the sale of the buyer's house, so we don't have our hopes set too high. We are being realistic about it, considering the current economy. It was confirmation though, that God is in control, and we are following His plan for us. He will also continue to provide when He puts us in a new situation.

Big Bed

After we came home from our Christmas traveling, B moved into a big girl bed. (Obviously, it has been a while since I have posted anything.) Her new bed just consists of a full size mattress, that we already had, laying on the floor. She enjoyed the change, but it has been a challenge to get her to stay in her bed, especially at nap time.

B's first night in her new bed.

Several days after the B started sleeping in her new bed she discovered that she could get up and play because she wasn't confined. I expected this to happen since she hadn't been napping even when she was in her crib. She loves playing with her clothes, so when I got her after her "nap" she had found her tights and put them on over her sweat pants. It was a funny sight.

A while after the above nap time, she again was trying on clothes from her drawers and decided to put on a t-shirt (that is almost too small) over her bulky sweatshirt. I have no idea how she even fit it over.

We have now changed the rules for nap time. B is no longer allowed to get out of her bed until I come and get her. It has worked the last couple of days, she had even fallen asleep.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

More & More Christmas

We celebrated Christmas with D's family over New Year's. B always loves being able to play with her cousins and, of course, her grandparents.

I'm not sure what started this, but it is common for the grandkids to pile on grandpa at some point during our stay.

We opened our Christmas gifts one evening so the kids could play with them the rest of the time they were there.

The kids had fun with their toys, but they also had a lot of fun with the snow cave Uncle C built in the huge snow mountain grandpa built with the tractor. The tractor rides, sled rides, and four wheeler rides were also great.

More Christmas

On Christmas Eve we went to J's family. The weather was nice compared to home, so B had to get outside and play.

Since B is the only grandchild on J's side, she can get everyone to help her. Here Aunt T and Aunt D catch B before she falls off the mountain unintentionally.

B sliding down the snow mountain. Her first time down she needed some encouragement, but after she made a path she wanted to keep going.

B also really enjoyed sled rides. She even tried to pull grandpa and grandma on the sled. I think she preferred riding it herself though. She had a lot of sled rides over the time we were there.

The family ready for the Christmas Eve program.

Christmas morning. We didn't have much room for ourselves around all the gifts!

B was excited to open her gifts. She got plenty of books, puzzles, and clothes.

She also got her first bike, which she had to ride in G & G's house. Of course, she couldn't ride it herself very well, but by the end of our time there she was getting better at pushing the pedals.

J and her siblings the morning after Christmas. What a silly bunch.

The weather was very nice for the first part of the day, so everyone had to get out and build a snowman in the field behind G & G's house. That meant that I got to go for a walk. I miss that warm weather.