Saturday, December 6, 2008

Snow Suit

I had to go out and scoop the driveway the other day. That means that D was not at home, so B had to come outside with me. Thankfully she had gotten a snow suit from Grandma so she wouldn't be so cold. She loved being outside in the snow while I scooped. She even thought it was fun to lay down in the snow. I couldn't get a lot of pictures since I was busy working, and it was too cold to have the camera outside for very long.

All of B's winter wear, except her snow suit, is pink. I even got her snow boots the other day, but couldn't find them in purple. She doesn't match, and she doesn't care. She loves to walk through the snow, even when she only has on her tennis shoes. We were outside for an hour and she still wasn't ready to come in. Before, she would only last 10 minutes.

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