Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Our last doctor's appointment went well. The baby's heart beat was good, and my measurements must have been fine because the doctor didn't say anything about it. However, the doctor told me that it looked like I was having a problem with my sugars already. Now I have to start my gestational diabetes diet and exercise again. I don't have to start testing my blood sugar yet, which is nice, but I am not sure my diet is effective without testing it. It seems like I will be on this diet a long time, but it has been much easier to adjust to it since I tried to continue it after B was born (until I got pregnant this time). I have also been feeling better, as long as I get a nap in the morning. B doesn't mind my napping and always finds some interesting way to entertain herself. I have found that it is really good for her creativity. We can see her imagination growing, which has been a lot of fun.

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