Tuesday, December 28, 2010

From Decorating Until Christmas

Here is a quick synopsis of what went on for the rest of the month of December: several work Christmas parties, bible studies,  bible study Christmas parties, Christmas program practices and the actual program, company visiting, caroling, a church Christmas party, a Men’s football night at our house, Christmas shopping (which ended up being mostly online), and I could go on.  Every day was busy with some type of activity.  There are only three days on our calendar that didn’t have something going on, but I think even a few of those ended up with another event.

It is fun to get together with people during this time of year, but sometimes all of the preparations can be a bit overwhelming.  We felt like the season went way to fast.  It is nice to just be able to sit and enjoy a lit Christmas tree from your couch, but we didn’t get much of that.  The lack of snow made it hard to believe it was actually Christmas.


Here is Bria out in the little bit of snow we did have.

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