Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Beat the Heat

The last week has been really hot here.  We have been enjoying the activities that help us beat the heat.  The girls spend a lot of time out in their little pool, which is in the shade in the afternoon.


The afternoon always requires an icy popsicle too.

We also spent all Sunday afternoon at the North Dam (our version of a lake) jet skiing, skiing, and tubing.  The girls had a blast in the water.  Our friend with the jet ski had his nieces along, who Bria loves to play with.  Having them their made Bria a lot more daring.  She did so many things that we have never been able to coax her to do in the past.  I didn’t have my camera and was in the water with Bentley most of the time so I didn’t get any pictures of Bria.  Someone else took some pictures of Bentley.


Bentley took a brief ride with David on the jet ski.  The life jacket makes her crabby so she doesn’t last long.


She loved being thrown out of the water and also jumping in from the dock, which was just added this year.

The water is a bit mossy when you get out of the dock area.  I don’t really care for that.  After a while, however, I decided that it was too hot not to swim out a bit further, and as long as I was on top of the water and could touch the weeks growing up from the bottom I could continue.  David had a really good time riding the jet ski and trying to ski with only one ski on.

Most the time we just try to stay cool by staying in the house.  If that doesn’t work we head to the Drive-In to get ice cream.

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