Monday, September 19, 2011

A Five Year Old

I absolutely can not believe that Bria is five years old.  It feels like she should still only be three.  Five is a significant age (at least in my mind), but I am very glad that it doesn’t also mean school.  As much as I used to think that it wouldn’t be a big deal for Bria to head to school for the first time, I am now realizing that it is already making me a bit emotional.  Anyway, that is still a year away. 

Here are a few pictures of our precious girl.


She is so pretty.


You may have to click on this picture to make it bigger to get the full effect; Bria was tired of cooperating because it was a bit chilly yesterday before church when we were taking these pictures.  Her response was typical for her, but the expression is priceless.

Happy Birthday Bria!

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