Tuesday, February 14, 2012


David’s parents were here the end of last week to do some babysitting for us while we went out with our friend and her husband for her 30th birthday; then they continued on to the Hills for some skiing.  While they were here, they mentioned that when they came back through they would be willing to take the girls for a couple of days.  David and I will be headed that way soon, and then we'll be leaving from there for our vacation.  I wasn’t sure if that was the best idea since we would be leaving them for 8-9 days during our vacation.  After talking it over with David, and knowing that we would be with them for at least 3 days over the coming weekend, I decided it would work out all right.  Bria really wanted to go with them too. When was the decision made?  After grandpa and grandma stopped on their way through.  Talk about last minute!  That isn’t like me.  This way, I will (hopefully) feel more organized in getting things ready for our vacation.  Now I have a couple of days to straighten up the house, have it stay that way, and get everything packed without being interrupted.

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