Thursday, March 22, 2012

Things I should have posted a week ago…

Early last week the girls were playing so nicely together.  I was vacuuming and the girls went off to their room.  A few minutes after I walked past their room; I didn’t see them because they were in their closet with the door closed.  Knowing that there wasn’t much they could hurt, I left them to whatever they were doing.  A while later they came downstairs in dresses with their dolls (also in kid size dresses) and strollers.  They were playing store, and the closet in their room was the clothing store.  Bria had changed both her and Bentley’s clothes.  According to Bria, the basement was the grocery store, and when I served lunch that was the restaurant.  What a great imagination.  It was fun watching them play so well together and seeing what was going on in their imaginations.
The girls with their “new” clothes.
Friday was a really warm day.  So warm, we decided we should give the yard a little water, especially since we haven’t had much moisture this winter.  David was watering the yard, which made Bria ask if she could put on her swimsuit and run through the sprinkler.  It was definitely hot enough (upper 80’s), so the girls got their suits on and played in the water, in the middle of March!
Too bad I didn’t get their squeals on the picture as David tried to spray them.
We have had lots of fun the last week.

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