Sunday, June 10, 2012

Picking Strawberries

We don’t have any places where you can pick your fruits an vegetables, but we have a very generous community.  There is a lady from our area who has a huge garden and is always sharing her produce (we have several people who share their produce).  This last weekend, we were invited to help pick strawberries.  We thought the girls would enjoy it, so we headed out to the country to pick some.  The girls enjoyed it and so did we.


As you can see from the picture, the strawberry patch has bales around it which is to protect them from the harsh winds we have.  We were able to sit on the bales and pick.

We suggested to the girls that they try some of the strawberries while they were working.  Bria ate some right away, but Bentley said they were for eating at home and didn’t try any at first.  As we were picking, I looked over at Bentley and saw that she was eating a strawberry.  After eating one, she couldn’t stop.  The strawberries were smaller than what you would get at the store, but the flavor far exceeds what you buy.

When we got home, I made a strawberry pie and strawberry sorbet.  They are so good.  We are still enjoying some of the fresh strawberries.

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