Monday, July 16, 2012

Earlier this Month…

At the very beginning of the month, we had a family gathering (really a reunion) for my mom’s side of the family.  I’m not sure how many were there in total, but we all stayed at a hunting lodge not to far from my grandpa’s.  All my aunts, uncles, and cousins were able to make it.  It has been a long time since we have all been together.  Some of my relatives I haven’t seen in at least 5 years, maybe even more.  It was great to see everyone.
The girls were a little nervous to begin with but warmed up to my younger cousins quickly.
All of July has been very hot, so these little pools were one of the ways the kids kept cool.  Once in a while, even the adults could be found standing in the pool to cool off.
We spent plenty of time outside and even played some yard games.
It was too warm some of the days to spend too much time playing games, so some time was spent in town, at the pool and the river, or inside the nicely air conditioned lodge.
Some of my family is from a state where they are not allowed to shoot off fireworks.  What would a gathering around July 4th be without fireworks?  So, on the 3rd we attempted to shoot off some fireworks at my parents’ house (about 40 minutes away), but the wind came up too much, and due to the dry conditions, we ended the night early.  As we were heading back to the lodge at 11pm the car thermometer still showed 90 degrees. 
On the 4th everyone headed back home.  We came home and celebrated with some friends with a picnic at their ranch.
The next day we headed out again.

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