Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Potty Training Update

We are done!

Bentley is finally potty trained.  The last two weeks have shown the most improvement, and it all came at once. 

About a week and a half ago Bentley still hadn’t pooped on the potty chair.  I noticed that she needed to go (she was headed to her favorite spot for that activity) so I stopped her and made her sit on the toilet.  She wasn’t able to go, but still refrained from going in her underwear.  The next day she was getting very uncomfortable so I put her on her potty with a stack of books and told her to just sit there and look at the books until she had gone.  It worked!  She sat there for a long time and didn’t even think she had gone, but she had.  When she realized she could do it she started doing it every day.  We only had one accident the very next day.

At about the same time she was dry through the night for a couple of nights in a row.  She hasn’t gone through the night since, and has even gotten up through the night to go potty.  She is now in underwear all day and night. 

I felt like I had to keep reminding her to go so she wouldn’t wet her underwear.  I was okay with that as long as she was staying dry, but in the last couple of days she has even started telling me before she needs to go.

David thinks saying “we are done” is just setting us up for trouble, but even so I think we are done and it is a big accomplishment.  We have been working on it since last October (10 months).  Goodbye diapers!

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