Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Just Life As Usual...Almost

From day to day not much changes in our life. We generally just take each day as it comes, without too many worries. Last week was one of those weeks, until Friday night...

On Friday our landlords came to talk with us. We didn't have any idea what they wanted to discuss, but soon found out that they are moving back and want to be in this house by July 1. So, we will be moving. Again. This time it will only be in town. Friday night after we found out we scrambled to make some phone calls to talk to people who had property for sale. (We had already talked to the one person who has most of the rental properties in town, and he didn't have anything available that was an adequate size. We aren't even looking for something all that large, maybe 1,500 square feet, but even that is hard to come by here.)

We didn't here much about available properties right away, but there are a few that will be up for auction mid-June to the end of June. That, however, would not allow us to be into a new place by July 1. All but two of the available properties in town are occupied. We were also astonished at the price people are asking for tiny properties in this very small community. We have spent a lot of time in prayer knowing that God will provide the right place for us and at the right time. It has helped that in talking to people they have given us other possible leads on properties. The next couple of months could be very interesting.

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