Sunday, May 16, 2010

Busy, Busy

What have we been up to? We have to start at the beginning of last week. Sunday we drove to D's parents and then to a near by town to meet some friends for supper.

Monday we were in SF having Bria's bump on her face checked (yet again) in order to set up a surgery date, which will be this coming Friday. We spent some time shopping for things we can't find in the area that we live in, and we also met a friend for supper. That made for a very late night getting home on Monday night.

Tuesday and Wednesday were normal.

is our regular bible study night, but we are between studies so we had a game night instead. We didn't get home that night until very late, again.

morning, D's parents came and we immediately headed to P to do some furniture shopping (for the new house) and some grocery shopping. That night when we got home, D arranged for the two of us to have a date night. D's parents watched the girls and he and I went to the community center/theater and played Wii games on their very large screen. It was lots of fun. I thought it was a very creative date night, especially in our small town.

we went to the car museum that we have in town, then spent the rest of the day relaxing.

Now it is Sunday and the day went pretty much like any other Sunday, except that we finally had some sunshine. That meant that we could go to the park. Yeah!

Here are some pictures from today.

Bentley loves swinging. This is her second time in the swing at the park (the first time I brought the camera).

After swinging for a while she pulled her feet out of their spots and put them up on the top. She was just hanging out. Eventually, swinging makes her sleepy and she almost falls asleep. It is very precious.

Bria and Grandpa and Grandma playing by the slide.

Grandma pushing Bentley on the swing.

This coming week will be another interesting one. Stay tuned for another update.

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