Sunday, January 16, 2011

Not A Lot

This past week hasn’t been exciting, especially compared to the last month and a half (or more).  That isn’t completely accurate, D has had a busy week with something out of the ordinary going on almost every day: taking tickets at basketball games, meetings in Rapid City, a Ranchers’ Workshop, and a surprise Pheasants Forever meeting.  As for the girls and I, we are just trying to get back to a “normal” routine.  It has been a bit difficult because Bentley is starting to skip her morning nap.  Somehow that throws off my day.  Getting my chores done has been nonexistent.  I sure hope to find our new rhythm soon.

Here are some great pictures of the girls from the last week:


Bentley trying on Bria’s old boots.



Bentley in her Pajamas from her Birthday.  They are still a bit big, but she is adorable in them.  D insisted on getting them, they say “It’s pasture bedtime.”


Bentley taking care of her baby while snuggling under D’s new MN Vikings blanket that he received for Christmas.


Both girls snuggling under the blankets watching a cartoon one particularly cold morning.

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