Monday, June 13, 2011

A Week and a Half

The girls and I spent a week and a half at my parents’ house.  The girls had lots of fun playing outside, going to vacation bible school, getting the camper ready, watching the kitchen get destroyed, and more.  I thought I would be better about taking pictures, but I wasn’t much better.

The first weekend we were there, the girls went to the farm with grandpa, uncle Nathan, and David.  I don’t have these pictures uploaded to the computer yet.

The first part of the week was hot so the girls spent a lot of time outside playing in the water.


Bentley’s first attempt at playing in the sprinkler: she just stood near the water and let it get her just a little.


Bria liked running through the water, and continued to get more brave the more she played in the sprinkler.


Taking a break from the water to explore the ant hills.


They played a game that they made up of running through grandma’s clean laundry hanging on the clothes line.

The next couple of days Bria spent going to vacation bible school with grandma.  It was only three days, but it was from 9am to 2pm every day.  She was mostly cooperative during class.  It was a good test to see what we need to work on before she has to go to school (still a year away).  I didn’t go out to bible school so again there aren’t any pictures.

My parents are adding on to their kitchen, so we had to get the camper all cleaned up so they could use it as their kitchen for the summer.  Nathan and David also worked on removing all of the cabinets and appliances from the kitchen to get it ready for the contractor.

Plenty of time was also spent playing at the youth center, eating out a several restaurants (due to my mom’s work), keeping up with the laundry, and my daily trips to the hospital for my antibiotic infusions.

Grandpa was able to spend some time with Bentley while I got my infusions because Bria and grandma were at bible school and Nathan and Davee were at camp.  Saturday was my last infusion, and my PICC line was removed after it was completed.  In the process of removing it my blood pressure dropped really low again and I just about passed out.  After a glass of water and sitting for a bit my blood pressure came back up and I was able to leave.  Sunday after church we came home, and have started back into our normal routine.  Getting back to normal wasn’t hard even after being away a total of two and half weeks.  It was great to be at my parents, but home is a wonderful place to be!

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