Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Special Visit

Towards the end of this last week my sister and her husband came to visit us.  They were on their way through to camp in the Hills.  Bria and Bentley had a great time with them, and so did we.


A game of hide-and-seek.


Someone new to push them on the swings.


Blowing Bubbles


Sitting with Aunt Tonia.

Our other activities included walking through our towns tiny crazy days, going out to eat, and a ranch rodeo.  The girls even went to the rodeo with us.  They amazingly made it through the whole thing without whining, wanting to run around, or demanding to much junk food.

We were so glad that Chris and Tonia could make it.  We don’t get to see them very often, and when they do come this way it is usually to Mom and Dad’s.  It was fun to have them come to our house.

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