Thursday, January 5, 2012

Christmas #3

I haven’t had time to post anything about our final Christmas celebration, which was at my family’s house over New Year’s weekend.  The weather is so nice today I sent the girls outside so I would have a few moments to update the blog.
As I just said, New Year’s was when we celebrated Christmas with my family.  The whole family was there, we played lots of games, and opened lots of presents.  With my family, there is never a shortage of gifts or food.
David looking at the stockings for our family.  Mom decided to put our stockings on top of bags filled with our stocking stuffers since she can never get everything in the stockings anyway.
The piles of presents which are not even completely passed out.  Also, my parents, brother, and youngest sister already exchanged their gifts on Christmas so this was just what was left.  My mom really loves giving.  Not only does she give to her family, neighbors, church family, etc., but she also makes sure that several needy families in other countries receive gifts of chickens, goats, etc. (through World Vision) in the girls’ names.  That is a wonderful tradition that I hope my girls will learn to appreciate as they get older.
My sister brought their kitten again (her name is Razzy), which the girls love; it is the only cat that will let the girls come near her (my parents have two cats also).  Razzy had a great time playing with the tissue and wrapping paper that was left on the floor.  She even buried herself in it, then Bentley decided to copy her.
Razzy in the paper.
You can hardly see her, but Bentley is under the paper trying to copy Razzy.
My mom has a little wooden sleigh that holds a couple of snowmen, and it seems every Christmas one of the girls has to climb into it.  Bria has gotten too big, and honestly Bentley is probably to big too, but she still sat in it anyway.  (This will have to be the last year or it is not going to make it through another Christmas.)
The sleigh is just her size.
Now that I have caught up all the Christmas posts, it is on to the next thing.

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