Friday, September 25, 2009

Homecoming Parade

This week has been a busy week for our small town. It is homecoming week, and on Wednesday we hosted the "Capital for a Day." We have had activities almost every evening this week. Of course, one of the highlights was the homecoming parade. In a small town everyone gets involved, so D's office had a float in the parade. We all rode along, and Bria even got to ride in the back and help throw candy.

Bria had a great time. Thanks to the gals from D's office who let Bria ride with them and help, and for the candy they saved for her.

This is actually the second year that Bria has been on a homecoming float. Last year she rode on grandma's float for their homecoming while D and I went on vacation. This girl really likes parades (maybe it's because we took her to a parade before she was even a week old). I think we are starting Bentley off the same way.

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