Saturday, September 5, 2009

Our House, With Furniture

It has been a while since we have had our furniture, but I never felt like our house was picked up enough for pictures. Since the baby should be coming any day now I figured the house is cleaner than it is going to be for a while, so I better take some pictures. Here is what our house looks like with furniture.

The living room, from the dining room entrance. It was an adjustment going from our one chair to all of this furniture. The room actually felt very crowded for a while. Now it feels more homey.

Our bedroom, from the doorway into the room. The closet is to the left.

Our bedroom from in front of the closet.

The baby's room from the doorway.

B's room from her doorway.

The master bedroom (which we use as the guest bedroom) and toy room. The toy area is always a mess, but there is plenty of space in this room since the only furniture is the bed.

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